Your love Sickness

Your love Sickness Manga
© 2010 Hayate Kuku / LIBRE SHUPPAN
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Your love Sickness
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Your love Sickness
Your love Sickness
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The Shrine Inari is protected by two divine-being foxes - Unka and Aura. Unka, a red fox, is the serious one and born into a lower social class. Aura, pure-bred white fox, is the reckless and irresponsible one. Can opposites attract?

Oeuvres liées
BD (2010)
Side Car Seigyohou
Manga (2010)
Les tomes
drapeau simple [Libre Shuppan]
Terminée en 1 tomes
Your love Sickness 1 Manga
10 mars 2008
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